
About Me
Adding New Technology To My Home

I have always loved technology, which is probably part of the reason I decided to get a home automation system. I wanted to be able to make sure that my doors were locked and my garage was closed when I was away from home, and the automation system made it possible to do that. Using my automation system, I was also able to monitor my home security a little more effectively, which was really amazing. I wanted to make this blog all about adding new technology to your home so that you can see what a big difference it can make.


3 Tips To Improve Your Digital Signage

27 August 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

 In an age in which consumers are attracted to technology, using digital signage to advertise your business is a must. Unfortunately, simply using the signage is not enough. You must make sure that your message is reaching consumers and that tweaks are made when necessary. If you are using digital signage, here are some tips for getting the most from it. Analyze Your Results If you have been using digital signage for a while and are not noticing any sizable bump in customers, you need to take the time to analyze what you are doing. Read More …

3 Reasons To Use Identical Phones Throughout Your Office

25 August 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Right now, when you walk around different parts of your office, you might find that there are all different types and styles of phones throughout the place. This can happen naturally, such as if just one phone is replaced at a time, as needed. However, if possible, you may want to consider investing in a business phone system that includes multiple telephones for each office. Then, you can have an identical phone in each area of your business. Read More …

How To Improve The WiFi Reach In Your Home

25 August 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Many people find that they need a very strong WiFi signal throughout their entire home because of the amount of technology that is used today. There could be a game system in every bedroom, smart televisions, personal desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and cellular phones that all need to make use of that WiFi signal. If it is not strong enough, you might find that you can get better reception in some rooms and horrible reception in others. Read More …

Benefits Of Working With A Professional IT Firm

24 August 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Commercial IT needs can be exceedingly complicated and prone to undergoing rapid change. Despite the hassles of managing your business's technological needs, this can be one of the most important functions that you do to keep the enterprise functioning efficiently. When you find yourself needing to address these needs, it can be beneficial to seek the services of professional business IT firms, as they can provide you with a number of key services. Read More …

Department Of Transportation Training: How It Impacts Medical Waste Removal

22 August 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog

For anyone charged with the process of disposing of medical waste, you are likely aware of all the governmental bodies that are involved with the process to ensure all regulations are followed. One federal department that is often not referred to, but is critically important, is the Department of Transportation. The Department of Transportation is charged with regulating the different classes of hazardous material, including medical waste. It will be the responsibility of the organization to remain in compliance with the DOT regulations, no matter if your business is transporting it. Read More …